Thursday, 3 February 2022


 Can you hit a golf ball with a golf club?

This is a trick question. I already know the answer. It’s “Yes!”

Anyone can hit a golf ball. It’s actually pretty easy. You pick up a club, put a ball on the ground and swing at it.

But…. Can you hit a golf ball so it flies 300 yards, curves left around a tree and lands within a few feet of where you want it to land? And, can you do it repeatedly?

That’s different. That’s what the pros can do.

So what’s the difference between you and a professional golfer? How do they develop this incredible skill? The answer is repetition.

Tiger Woods estimates he has hit about 5 million golf balls. Other professionals have done similar things.  That works out to about 350 balls a day for 40 years.

Pretty simple really, isn’t it?

You might be thinking, “OK, so what’s the point?”  

Here’s the point: People who excel at anything are simply people who learn a simple process and repeat it every day. They begin and they don’t stop.

Woody Allen is one of America’s greatest film makers. He has won four academy awards and other awards too numerous to mention. How does he do it?

He writes three pages a day.

This gives him a screenplay in a couple of months and leads to him making about one movie a year.

Could you write three pages a day?

Yes, you could. It’s not that difficult.

That’s the secret of success. You learn a fairly simple process and you repeat it every day. Over time you will get so good at it other people will stand back and stare with admiration and wonder to themselves, “How do you do it?”

When I was in my late 20’s I learned a very simple process that changed my life. It has led to a career as a teacher and trainer and entrepreneur and the author of several books.

“So, what is this process?” you might ask.

Here it is. You ask yourself a series of questions, like…

  • What do I want?
  • Why do I want it?
  • What’s the payoff if I get it?
  • What stands in my way?’
  • How could I get over this obstacle?
  • Who could I find to help me do this?

You write your answers in a workbook or journal which you continue to work with. You read the ideas over, shuffling them around and combining them in different ways.

That’s it. That’s the process.

It’s the same process Woody Allen uses. It’s virtually the same process Tiger Woods uses. It’s the same process used by Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and every successful entrepreneur in the world.

It’s the same process I used to build my career.

I am offering you this workbook at no cost and I am conducting a series of short training videos you can watch to learn the finer points of the process.

All you need to do to change your life in any area is to start using this process.

Just go here and get the workbook.

What is your alternative? Do nothing? Sit and wonder how to change your life?

As Dr. Phil would say, “How’s that working for you so far?”

Get the workbook now and get started.

Don’t waste any more time



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