Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Do you Want Access to my special "Design Your Life" Workbook?

I recently sent this message to one of my mailing lists and decided to repeat it here. 


Yesterday you might have seen my message about getting a free copy of my
"Life by Design" Workbook. If you clicked on the link and received your own copy of this workbook, I salute you. It was a smart decision. You were wise to take me up on my offer. I am sure you will get a sense of the power of this "Life Design" system just by reading through it. Of course, the real power comes when you form a daily habit of using it. 
However, if you didn't click on the link to get your own copy of the workbook
I would like to explain why it is so special and why I think you should get one. 
I first came across this workbook over 40 years ago. I signed up for a course
from a super successful businessman and philanthropist named
Paul J. Meyer. 
You can find him on on the internet here: https://pauljmeyer.com/
He was an outstanding role model. I was so blown away by the effect his material had on my life that I went to work for his company.  Working with him expanded my mind and changed my life forever. 
The foundation of my training and coaching business was built on the material I learned from Paul J Meyer. He has been widely recognized as the founder of the personal development industry. 
Virtually every personal development coach and trainer in the world is using his methods, although most of them possibly never heard of him. They were taught by someone else who used his methods. 
One of the key ingredients in all his trainings was this workbook.  Over the years, I have used this workbook pretty well every day and it has changed everything in my life. 
I am sure that once you form the habit of using this workbook every day, your life will change for the better too. 
Up 'til now, I have only shared this workbook (or pages from it) with people who attended my workshops, mastermind groups and training programs or who are personal coaching clients of mine. I have never before shared it with people who are not paying clients. 
However, this week I decided to change that attitude and make it more available to more people.  
I will be turning 75 in a few months. I have been more or less retired from my training and coaching business for ten years after a long and successful career in the personal development field.
Aside from my writing projects, I decided recently that I would like to work personally with people who are interested in learning Paul J Meyer's methods to transform their lives and who want to be able to help others as well. 
Perhaps that's why I decided to release this workbook now. 
Whether you decide to get this workbook or you don't, I wish you all the best, in every area of your life. 

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