Monday, 1 June 2020

The Best Business Decision You Will Ever Make

After having a dream which eventually came true, I spent a couple of decades researching how such a thing could possibly happen. After all, isn't acquiring accurate foreknowledge of the future supposed to be impossible?

After two decades of research, I became an expert on how a person can use the power of the mind to create any future goal they want. I realized the reason we assume gaining accurate knowledge of the future is impossible is because the model of consciousness which has been handed down to us is wrong. This model is based on a Newtonian model of how the physical world works. In this model, memory is considered to be a 'recording' of the past and thoughts of the future are considered to be artifacts of the brain with no power of their own. Looking at creativity through the lens of this model tells us that creativity is something only certain people with a 'special talent' possess.

Newton's model of the physical world was replaced my Einstein's over a hundred years ago but as yet, there is no model of consciousness which takes this into account this change in perspective. In Einstein's model, the past and the future are equally real 'virtual realities' and have equal power. The present, or the 'now point' is simply one point in a vast array of possible space-time locations. The past and the future are equally accessible from the present and each provide equally valid information.

So what? You may ask. What difference does it make? The difference is paradigm-busting.

The key to understanding what this new model of consciousness means to you is to understand that information travels through both space and time. Or, as Einstein put it, through four dimensional 'space-time'.

This means that remembering is not a 'recording' of the past but instead is a 'connection' to it. The mind acts like a cellphone that's equally able to connect to any other phone on earth, whether east or west, north or south. Except that in this case, your consciousness is able to connect to any point in the past, any point in the future, or any point in any virtual reality.

This means what we normally call 'memory' works in the future as well as the past. This is the key to understanding how creative people get their ideas. They simply make a habit of asking themselves, "What if?" This question gives them access to any virtual reality they choose, whether past, present or future and their imagination provides the information.

When Elon Musk asked himself, "What would I need to do to create a company that could launch a rocket to Mars?" this connection to a possible future fed him the information he needed to create SpaceX.

It's the same thing you do when you ask yourself, "What if Jane brings two more friends to my barbeque next week"? Your mind will tell you, "In that case, you had better make sure you have enough chairs." This information from a ‘virtual future’ helps you avoid the embarrassment of running out of chairs.

The key to harnessing the creative power of the mind is to choose your goal and ask yourself, "What if I could actually do this? What would be the next step?" Your mind will fill in the blanks.

When I asked myself, 'What if I wrote a book to use to attract business for myself?"

What I discovered is that having a book published is the best way to promote your business in any climate and to any audience, no matter what the economic situation.

My book, "Mind, Time and Power" is available on Amazon. You can order one today and find out how to use your imagination as a creative force to achieve any goal, solve any problem or answer any question.

If you think having a book of you own would be a great marketing tool for your business but don't know how to go about writing one, I can help with that too. Just check out my website. It might turn out to be the best business decision you will ever make.

After two decades of research, I became an expert on how a person can use the power of the mind to create any future goal they want. I realized the reason we assume gaining accurate knowledge of the future is impossible is because the model of consciousness which has been handed down to us is wrong. This model is based on a Newtonian model of how the physical world works. In this model, memory is considered to be a 'recording' of the past and thoughts of the future are considered to be artifacts of the brain with no power of their own. Looking at creativity through the lens of this model tells us that creativity is something only certain people with a 'special talent' possess.

Newton's model of the physical world was replaced my Einstein's over a hundred years ago but as yet, there is no model of consciousness which takes this into account this change in perspective. In Einstein's model, the past and the future are equally real 'virtual realities' and have equal power. The present, or the 'now point' is simply one point in a vast array of possible space-time locations. The past and the future are equally accessible from the present and each provide equally valid information.

So what? You may ask. What difference does it make? The difference is paradigm-busting.

The key to understanding what this new model of consciousness means to you is to understand that information travels through both space and time. Or, as Einstein put it, through four dimensional 'space-time'.

This means that remembering is not a 'recording' of the past but instead is a 'connection' to it. The mind acts like a cellphone that's equally able to connect to any other phone on earth, whether east or west, north or south. Except that in this case, your consciousness is able to connect to any point in the past, any point in the future, or any point in any virtual reality.

This means what we normally call 'memory' works in the future as well as the past. This is the key to understanding how creative people get their ideas. They simply make a habit of asking themselves, "What if?" This question gives them access to any virtual reality they choose, whether past, present or future and their imagination provides the information.

When Elon Musk asked himself, "What would I need to do to create a company that could launch a rocket to Mars?" this connection to a possible future fed him the information he needed to create SpaceX.

It's the same thing you do when you ask yourself, "What if Jane brings two more friends to my barbeque next week"? Your mind will tell you, "In that case, you had better make sure you have enough chairs." This information from a ‘virtual future’ helps you avoid the embarrassment of running out of chairs.

The key to harnessing the creative power of the mind is to choose your goal and ask yourself, "What if I could actually do this? What would be the next step?" Your mind will fill in the blanks.

When I asked myself, 'What if I wrote a book to use to attract business for myself?"

What I discovered is that having a book published is the best way to promote your business in any climate and to any audience, no matter what the economic situation.

My book, "Mind, Time and Power" is available on Amazon. You can order one today and find out how to use your imagination as a creative force to achieve any goal, solve any problem or answer any question.

If you think having a book of you own would be a great marketing tool for your business but don't know how to go about writing one, I can help with that too. Just check out my website, It might turn out to be the best business decision you will ever make.

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