Saturday, 30 September 2017

Upgrade Your Brain to Upgrade Your Life.... Here's How

Hello again, my friends,

Next Saturday, October 7th, my personal mentor John Assaraf,
is holding his 6th annual Live Brain-a-Thon. This is an amazing
all day, no cost on-line event during which John will introduce
a number of brain training experts who will explain how the latest
brain research shows you how to upgrade your life by upgrading
your brain.

I have had tremendous success in my life since I started following
John's system. I want you to know about this too.

Make sure you REGISTER NOW for this amazing free event.

Here's the information you need...

Your Invitation: 6th Annual Brain-A-Thon
When: Saturday, October 7, 2017
Time: Starts at 12:00 p.m. Eastern | 9:00 a.m. Pacific
Where: Your Desktop or Laptop Computer
Expert Speakers: See here Over 100,000 expected to attend live!

Click here to register, get details, and claim your FREE GIFT.

These experts will be discussing and teaching the LATEST cutting edge,
evidence-based DISCOVERIES, tools, TECHNIQUES, and technologies
to unlock your brain’s FULL POTENTIAL so you can achieve your personal

and financial goals.

Your host for the Brain-A-Thon is the one and only—New York Times bestselling
author and brain science expert—John Assaraf. For those of you who don't know,
John is the founder and CEO of NeuroGym.

He's inspired thousands of people to upgrade their knowledge and
skills and strengthen their mindset to achieve their goals and dreams.

I use his methods and I can assure you his information and techniques
are the best. I have got great results from using his brain retraining
techniques. I vouch for them.

Here's how to register. Make sure you click this now.

All the best, 


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